Hi all!
I've recently bumped into an issue on AuroraOS (a fork of SailfishOS), where as soon as an application window gets created, the output gets filled with logs similar to these, and the application gets stuck:

[W] unknown:230 - qrc:/Sailfish/Silica/private/TabBar.qml:230:5: QML OpacityRampEffect: possible QQuickItem::polish() loop [W] unknown:230 - qrc:/Sailfish/Silica/private/TabBar.qml:230:5: QML OpacityRampEffect: OpacityRampEffect called polish() inside updatePolish() of OpacityRampEffect

OpacityRampEffect is a ShaderEffect, and, in fact, while debugging I've reproduced the same issue with a pure QtQuick ShaderEffect. The warnings appear even if the ShaderEffect is unused (that is, no source is connected to it): it looks like instantiating it is enough to get the application stuck. The "live" and "recursive" properties have no effect on this.

The way I've fixed it (apparently, with no ill side effects) is this:

--- a/src/quick/items/qquickgenericshadereffect.cpp
+++ b/src/quick/items/qquickgenericshadereffect.cpp
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ void QQuickGenericShaderEffect::maybeUpdateShaders()
// scenegraph ready. Schedule the polish to try again later. In case #2 // the backend probably does not have shadereffect support so there is
          // nothing to do for us here.
- if (!m_item->window() || !m_item->window()->isSceneGraphInitialized())
+        if (!m_item->window())

That is, removing the check on isSceneGraphInitialized() and only queue a polish if the window has not been set yet. I noticed that the same logic is followed on the OpenGL implementation (QQuickOpenGLShaderEffect), but the whole logic behind this is not clear to me, so that's why I'm writing here. It indeed looks unlikely that this is a bug, otherwise it would have broken a lot of other setups as well.

Could there be something wrong in our QPA plugin (which is for the 99% the same as https://github.com/mer-hybris/qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin)? We are also using a scenegraph plugin, but I verified that even with it being removed, the issue presents itself.

For the record, this is on Qt 5.15.


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