If only there were a Freenet branch that were compatible with Google's 
App Engine.  Google allow any application to store up to 500MB of data 
and have very generous quotas on CPU, Bandwidth, and storage API calls. 
  This could lead the way to many open freenet portals.  Anyone could 
create one.

Personally, unless I were developing on this, I would rather use a 
portal than install and run one all the time.  Then again, I don't live 
in China.

I read that Google contributed about 17K to this project.  I would think 
they would support this running in their engine.

First off, no threads in App Engine.  Also, no file system.  You can get 
http or https requests in and out of the application though.  The 
storage api will store large objects just fine, but large operations 
need to be batched into smaller calls.

See http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html#Datastore

I'm in no position to change Freenet, but maybe I can implement and help 
provide the an API that will.  I have been with Java over ten years and 
just recently did some coding using the app engine storage.  I'm all 
setup to work in the Java app engine environment.

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