I'd like to call attention to the report just released by the Pew Research
Center and Elon U. School of Communications. "The Future of the Internet" is
a 62 page PDF document, the link to which can be found at

  Over 1,200 experts were surveyed on the future of the internet and its
impact on society and individuals' lives. While the findings may not be
earthshaking to the readers of this list, they should provoke some lively
discussion about where the internet is headed over the next decade and
whether or not those who are not onboard can ever catch up to this
fast-moving train.

Threats to the very infrastructure of the internet, disappointment at the
failure of education to quickly embrace change (?!), and doubts about the
role of online democratic process are just a few of survey's findings.

Also of interest is the database maintained by Elon U. of more than 4,000
predictions made over the last 10-15 years about the direction of the
internet. Check them out at http://www.elon.edu/predictions/


AJ Mollo & Associates
Management Consulting to Professional & NonProfit Organizations
Internet & Multimedia Marketing & Communications
Celebrity Development
Phone: 203.926.1199

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