On Friday, 24 April 2020 at 06:58:52 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
On Friday, 24 April 2020 at 06:13:09 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
Great work! What is the status of WebAssembly support beyond betterC?

Almost there.

I originally planned to complete it last February. It turned out to be a bit more work because I didn't consider I would need to port parts of phobos as well. I then set a new deadline in March.

Covid-19 happened and my wife and I have been homeschooling our kids in-between work. I haven't been able to find a lot of time to work on this.

The druntime and phobos test-runners both compile, and I am using whatever spare time I have to fix or disable any tests that fail.

Once that is done, I will open up PR's to both upstream repos. I do expect some discussions on that front so it probably won't be a one-day deal.

After that there will be a little celebration since I have already have a PR to update LDC's CI to create prebuild releases.

From my side, no need for explanations, it is already a much better experience with D and betterC than having to deal with emscripten.

Many thanks for the work, all the best and stay safe in these days.

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