On Friday, 18 June 2021 at 06:14:03 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
On Monday, 7 June 2021 at 08:51:52 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
I am having issues as well, but I don't think the installer is at fault: I see the `C:\D\dmd2` directory get filled as the installer progresses, then files just disappear. It doesn't seem to be consistent though. After failure I tried with `dmd-2.096.1.exe` and the same thing happened, whereas it had installed fine before. I tried `dmd-2.097.0.exe` and this time the whole directory got wiped. I tried again and it installed fine.

Windows 10 Pro N version 20H2 build 19042.985.

I suspect MS cloud security scan.

-- Bastiaan.

Maybe we could recruit someone to replace the dated NSIS installer with a native msi installer.

Don't have much of a clue about Windows nowadays, maybe there are more suitable alternatives.

Speaking with my Windwos dev hat on, the suitable alternative would be to use MSIX package files, the replacement for MSI files, that date back to Windows 2000.


In what concerns typical Windows development workflows, its use is quite simple for basic use cases, namely add a MSIX project to solution, configure the manifest file and add as dependencies the .NET and C++ projects whose binaries are going to be part of MSIX.

With something like D I expect a bit more convoluted process.


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