On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 05:27:40 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
If someone misses all of that and tries to use tuples without specifying edition N, the compiler should be able to tell them what the problem is, how to solve it (annotate your module declaration with `@edition(N)`), and provide the URL to the relevant documentation.

This is exactly backwards from how most languages today. By default you are working with the current edition and you have to down-select to earlier editions.

But if we're really enamored of using the crippled version of the language by default then it is absolutely imperative that edition selection be a command-line option.

Here is how it should work IMO. The build system needs to able to specify editions at the package level, but when no package level edition is specified, then you assume current. If you need to down-select to an older edition then the dependency specifier in the project file that I control must set the correct edition. This neatly works around the lack of edition specifier in abandonware without enforcing crippled-by-default behavior that is going to confuse the entire world.

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