A "weak reference" (in the sense that I'm referring to) is a feature in some programming languages for a reference to an object that doesn't prevent the GC from destroying that object.

My current understanding is that D doesn't have weak references, though I've found some posts in this forum from many years back that mention something called "weakref". So is weakref a real thing, or just a concept that never got implemented?

The functionality that I'm going to describe would be easy with weak references, but I don't know how I would implement it without it. If there is a way to implement it without it, I would like to know how. I am going to describe my specific example, but it may apply to any class that's initialized using contents of a file without any of that data being modified after.

In my particular case, the class I've created is a wrapper for the `Texture2D` struct in Raylib. This class holds an image that was loaded from a file.

Sprite[string] spritesByPath;

Sprite getSprite(string path) {
    path = path.asAbsolutePath;

    if (path !in spritesByPath) {
        spritesByPath[path] = new Sprite(path);

    return spritesByPath[path];

class Sprite
    Texture2D texture;
    alias this = texture;
    string path;

    this(string path) {
        texture = LoadTexture(path.toStringz);
        this.path = path;

    ~this() {
        if (IsWindowReady) UnloadTexture(texture);
        if (path in spritesByPath) spritesByName.remove(path);

Alternatively, `spritesByPath` and `getSprite` may be static members of `Sprite`.

If D had weak references, than `spritesByPath` would be made of weak references so that they don't prevent the destruction of `Sprite` objects, which should be destroyed whenever they don't have any references elsewhere.

I've considered making `Sprite` reference-counted, but I couldn't manage to figure out how to do it properly. I tried doing `SafeRefCounted!Sprite` but the compiler said it doesn't work on `Object` types. I then tried making my own struct for reference counting that would be placed in place of a direct reference to the `Sprite` object, but there was some bug in which sometimes it didn't increment the reference count, so it didn't work.

What's a good way I can achieve what I'm trying to do, using either reference counting or a garbage-collected object?

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