Thanks to some creativity from hams in the digital mode world, it is
easier these days to determine what regions of the world might be
hearing your signal.  You do not need to rely on JAVA radio receivers.
   Here are the one's I recommend..

Mode= JT65A.  An world-wide network of stations that reflect any
received information from you back to the web site at
80,40,30,and 20M are common bands.  If any of the stations hear you,
the results are automatically displayed within a minute.
You are not dependent on others to manually enter in your details,
like a cluster, it is all automatic.  Your signal strength is also
displayed. Example :

VE3CDX/W7/RB [DM26ic] Heard PY4EM(GG88) on 14075.99 KHz -16dB at
23:11Z using JT65A
BX1AD/RB [PL04vq] Heard JE5FLM(PM74) on 14075.98 KHz -3dB at 23:10Z using JT65A


ALE (standard ALE).  An world-wide network of stations that relay
received information from you back to the web site at
40 and  20M are common bands. If any of the stations hear you, the
results are displayed within a minute.  Your signal strength is also
displayed.  Example :

VK4TGV:  [23:02:25][ 14 MHz] communication De [ZL1BAD]  BER 30 SN 07
NJ7C:   [23:01:41][ 10 MHz] communication De [W6MSU]    BER 30 SN 09
VK4TGV: [23:02:26][ 14 MHz] communication De [ZL1BAD]   BER 26 SN 07
NJ7C:   [23:01:54][ 10 MHz] communication De [KM4BA]    BER 20 SN 04

This is also automatic, very fast.  If they hear you, you will find out quickly.


PSK31:  A web page dedicated to several bands with some strategically
placed stations relaying back who they heard automatically to the web
page at
30M is especially well covered but other WARC bands are featured.  Example :

01-25 23:22     N9PUZ   Auto    EM59ft  WA9AQQ  10.140  1192    PSK31           
        Working KI4KGL
01-25 23:21     N9PUZ   Auto    EM59ft  KP4K    10.140  1490    PSK31           


PSK31:  Propnet:  Check  for latest
world-wide stations heard.  You need special software that produces a
script that beacons your stations info and location.  If your station
is heard it appears in the list.  Most WARC bands but especially 30M.

SSTV :  N8FQ's new page monitoring 10132 kHz.   Displays up to the
30 latest narrow band SSTV pictures heard at his central USA location.
 Judge your signal strength via the quality of the picture displayed .


SSTV:  Pretty much the same as N8FQ's page but for wider modes of SSTV
and on 20M, 14230.  Check


CW:    Check   then choose the SKCC
option.  You then get a network of hams that you can ask to sked with
and see if you are getting out.  Often 30-40 hams there at once,
during peak evening hours.

Users seen in last 10 minutes:
AA4GT - AJ1M - K0LUW - K2A/4 - K3UK - K8AQM - K8BBM - KA8HFN - KC0RSX
- KC2MHU - KE0N - KE0QM - KM4VX - LW3EX - N1AFV - N5PU - W6UT - W9DLN

01/25 23:15 <LW3EX> Tnx Barry nada hr too rxng some stn fm west coast nw TU 73
01/25 23:12 <WB1EDI> ok no luck now to 10118 de K2A/1
01/25 23:06 <WB1EDI> k2a/1 14048
01/25 23:04 <LW3EX> Barry any chance to try on 20m?
01/25 23:00 <WB1EDI> k2a/1 7048 wb1edi
01/25 22:51 <K8BBM> K2A/0, 10121.0


Any more ?

Abdy K3UK

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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