Hi Bob,

The digital modes are not often mixed with analog and since the analog 
were there first, they tend to use the lower frequency, particularly on 
20 meters.

Since you are quite close to me, you may find that best signals on 40 
meters as a good choice. The most active operator is Dave Jones, KB4YZ, 
located in Indiana.

Most of operation on 40 meters is digital SSTV but some hams may still 
be operating analog on 20 or other frequencies. There may be 
Yahoogroups, but one thing about SSTV is that all the coordination is 
done with voice and that probably means SSB voice most of the time, so 
you can ask questions. Dave is very helpful and pleasant although I have 
found some of the older hams to be a bit unpleasant with newcomers who 
ask questions.

The most popular software at the moment seems to be EasyPal and seems to 
have eclipsed WinDRM for digital SSTV.

I recommend Dave's site for SSTV information:


Scroll down to the EasyPal (New Version) section for information and 


Rick, KV9U

Bob Christenson wrote:
> Hi guys, I'm looking into SSTV. I see that popular frequencies to
> operate it are 7171, 7173, 14230 and 14233. Are these pictures sent
> using an analog or digital method? What popular software is being
> used? Is there another Yahoo group for this? Thanks for the help. Bob
> C (WU9Q)

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