I would certainly agree to that.  I am not a new user of digital or logging
software, having used several over the past decade, but every time I attempt
to go to Multipsk, I am put off by just too much on the screen at one time.
A tabbing system would certainly be one better way.  I particularly like the
way the the DXLab suite handles the different programs and you can pick and
choose exactly what you do want on the screen.  Its only drawback is it just
doesnt have the capbility of running all the modes that MultiPsk or evn MixW
has. When I wish to use a differnt mode, like those, I use MixW in
conjunciton with DXLabs DXKeeper logging program.  You can also use MultiPsk
with DXKeeper (they say) but I simply dont have the time and do not want to
put in the effort to use MultiPsk with its very confusing screen.

Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice)
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for
those who do.

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