I lamented the poor DX conditions while in the DX area of Ham Radio
Deluxe Forums today.  Someone pointed out that although conditions are
poor, I reported reception of 41 different countries to PSK Reporter
in the past week.  So, this is a reminder to all that even in poor
solar conditions, the casual digital DXer can still find some DX.  In
addition to Iceland and Cyprus on my new vertical over the weekend,
here are the DX entities I worked with barefoot and a low dipole.

Argentina       LU7EFA  2009-4-10 22:43:06
Austria OE6JFG  2009-4-12 12:46:52
Azores  CU3HV   2009-4-12 21:11:12
Barbados        8P9NX   2009-4-12 21:18:44
Belarus EW7AD   2009-4-12 16:29:58
Belgium ON4LJA  2009-4-12 12:55:07
Bonaire,Curacao PJ2MI   2009-4-10 22:38:56
Brazil  PY2MR   2009-4-10 23:05:35
Bulgaria        LZ1OI   2009-4-12 21:02:20
Canada  VE2VAG  2009-4-12 15:00:51
Colombia        HK4MKE  2009-4-12 16:22:05
Costa Rica      TI4DJ   2009-4-10 23:14:10
Croatia 9A3ADE/MM       2009-4-12 11:51:16
Cuba    CO3TJ   2009-4-12 12:54:38
Czech Rep.      OK7GU   2009-4-12 21:04:24
Denmark OZ1GEJ  2009-4-12 21:07:25
Dominican Rep.  HI8SAR  2009-4-10 23:06:10
Estonia ES7FQ   2009-4-12 12:52:00
Fed. Rep. of Germany    DF9OB   2009-4-12 21:07:01
France  F4EZD   2009-4-12 16:24:03
French Guiana   FY5YR   2009-4-10 21:52:24
Guatemala       TG9AHM  2009-4-10 22:11:04
Indonesia       PMOZ2   2009-4-10 22:00:07
Italy   IZ2QCV  2009-4-12 21:22:54
Mexico  XE2KBW  2009-4-10 23:18:23
Netherlands     PD0DK   2009-4-12 21:05:55
Panama  HP1AVS  2009-4-12 14:41:51
Poland  SQ5HE   2009-4-12 14:57:46
Portugal        CT1BGL  2009-4-12 21:02:17
Puerto Rico     NP4EG   2009-4-12 21:12:55
Russia (Eu)     UA3PAB  2009-4-12 16:41:17
Sardinia        IS0RZG  2009-4-12 21:12:17
Scotland        GM0SDV  2009-4-12 16:32:20
Serbia  YT2T    2009-4-10 20:15:13
Slovak Rep.     OM5GO   2009-4-12 12:44:45
Spain   EA5UB   2009-4-12 21:14:47
Sweden  SA7AUW  2009-4-12 12:51:03
Ukraine UR8MB   2009-4-12 13:56:01
United States of America        KE5EQZ  2009-4-12 21:21:15
Uruguay CX4ACH  2009-4-10 22:46:36

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