With a slight improvement in the solar flux numbers and the longer
periods of sunlight in the northern hemisphere, I wonder if we are at
the point that 24 hour per day will be common using the robust weak
signal digital modes?  With SF=74 and A=0 K=2 the last 2 days, I have
noted that I have been able to work Europe on low power with a
vertical as early as 0800 hrs, in the past month Europe did not
usually open until around 1200 UTC.  Also, I have been heard in North
Carolina at 0730 hrs UTC  the past couple of mornings using JT65A.  I
have had easy QSO conditions with ZL2BLQ on 20M (CW) around 0200 UTC.

VE3ODZ-1 (FN03ha) Heard K3UK(FN02) on 14076.14 KHz -15dB at 08:06:00Z
using JT65A

WD4ELG (FM06kb) Heard K3UK(FN02) on 14076.20 KHz -13dB at 08:06Z using JT65A
Andy K3UK

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