I think MARS uses MixW mostly for MT63. Here in South Carolina, in Navy 
MARS, we are standardizing on using fldigi for MT63, and before that 
some people used MixW and some used Nino's program. It all boils down to 
whicher user interface is easier to use, or to train people to use. If 
everyone uses the same program in a traffic net, then training on one 
single program is much simpler.

We have also started introducing a utility we call "Wrap" 
(http://w1hkj.com/wrap.html)  to South Caroina NAVY MARS, which is used 
to verify the error-free receipt of the message. Fldigi can 
automatically parse all the incoming text, extract the wrapped messages, 
and numerically date stamp and file them for later "unwrapping". None of 
the other MT63 modems do that, of course.

73, Skip

Rick W wrote:
> chas,
> What are the MARS operators using MixW for? Are there modes that are not
> available on other programs that they find compelling?

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