LA5VNA Steinar wrote: "This has taken a whole new turn for me. I don't
like this at all."

I don't like it either, including the threats of legal action and the
call for an ARRL official to resign (not that there isn't a good
argument about a double standard here in the US, but this is not the
time to make that argument).

But I am a "glass is half full" type person. While I haven't taken the
time to read everything carefully, and I'm travelling now and don't have
time to access all the posts, I'm guessing Jose's interaction with the
FCC agent was along the lines of "each US amateur radio operator must
determine what a mode is, and if it is legal" and Jose took that to
mean, or chose to take that to mean, that if a Ham read the new website
and concluded it was a non SS digital mode, it would be legal.

If that's true, and there's no way to know for sure, it's not quite the
same as fabricating something, but it was likely not reporting FCC's
full message, and it's understandable why FCC would ask ARRL to
communicate the correction, trusting them not to twist the meaning of
the message. 

In any case, it is time to move on. To amateurs worldwide, I hope you
experiment with this new mode. If I were you, I'd try to forgot this
sordid episode, and try to learn what's good about ROS, and suggest
improvements as you see fit. Enjoy. I wish I could join you.

Jim - K6JM

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [digitalradio] Fabricating FCC approval
> From: Steinar Aanesland <>
> Date: Fri, March 05, 2010 6:01 am
> To: * Digitalradio <>
> Hi all
> I the past days there has  been a fair and square discussion about SS
> and FCC rules. Maybe some is "more Catholic than the pope" when it comes
> to arguing for the FCC rules, but that we have to tolerate .
> Then a question about credibility comes into issue. It is no longer a
> question about SS and FCC rules, but IF there was a FABRICATED FCC
> approval on the  web page, then the situation is MUCH more serious.
> This has taken a whole new turn for me. I don't like this at all.
> LA5VNA Steinar
> On 05.03.2010 04:33, Dave AA6YQ wrote:
> > You are in denial, Jose. Anyone here can call (877) 480-3201, ask for
> "Dawn" (agent 3820), and hear first-hand that you distorted her
> response. Since her conversation with you was recorded, there is no
> doubt about what she told you.
> >
> > Until someone un-does the damage you've done by characterizing ROS as
> spread spectrum and then fabricating FCC approval on your web page, ROS
> cannot be used by US amateurs on HF bands.
> >
> >     73,
> >
> >             Dave, AA6YQ
> >
> > ----

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