
You make a good point about our differences.  In the US, EmComm is a "niche" 
that some hams fill enthusiastically, while others don't get involved but are 
grateful for those who do.  It's always there to learn about in the future, 
like digital modes, QRP, EME, UHF DX, low bands, etc.  So much to do, so much 
to learn, so little time....

  Jim - K6JM

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: raf3151019 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:34 PM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Re : 3rd generation digital radio

  I believe a substantial number of American radio amateurs regard using radio 
tranceivers and their associated pieces of equipment in an entirely different 
way to their counterparts in Europe. The two continents are entirely different 
and consequently the people who live in the two continents are different.

  In America great stress is put upon emergency survival, luckily in Europe we 
don't have to contend with regular tornado's and hurricanes, ice storms which 
destroy electricity supply to vast areas of the country, and huge amounts of 
melting snow which can raise river depths by tens of feet and cause flooding 
and hardship to many many thousands of people.

  Situations such as these occur rarely, if at all, in Europe, the continent is 
more densely populated and services to support the population are provided by 
professional trained personnel in every country at a substantial cost to its 

  Luckily most of us in Europe regard amateur radio as a hobby, somewhat akin 
to fishing, we sit there, put out a call and don't know what we are about to 
catch, its a lucky dip !

  Kind regards, Mel G0GQK

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