I will be QRV over night using JT8 mode.  I will xmit when in shack
and "listen only" while sleeping. 7076 USB

Andy K3UK

4. Alternative Modes for EME, Microwaves, and QRP at HF

JT8 is proposed as a possible alternative to JT4. Modulation is 8-FSK
at 2.857 baud. FEC uses convolutional codes with K=14, r=1/4, K=15,
r=1/6, or K=16, r=1/8, depending on message length. Synchronization
uses 8×8 Costas arrays at the beginning and end of a transmission,
followed by two additional symbols to distinguish between 30-bit,
48-bit, and 78-bit messages. Total bandwidth is 23 Hz. At present,
only the 78-bit messages have been implemented.

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