
I spent a little time this weekend comparing FSK-Hell to the standard 
Feld Hell mode. FSK-Hell is a modified version of PSK-Hell which was 
developed to improve readability over HF. The difference tends to show 
up more on long-haul paths where signals are more likely to encounter 
ionospheric distortion.

Unfortunately, I didn't find any DX, but I did manage to work a few west 
coast stations from here in W2. I didn't expect to see much of an 
improvement since conditions on 20 meters were relatively quite 
(moderate multi-path fading), but in practice, there was a noticeable 

Contrast was noticeably improved and the text did stand out more with 
FSK-Hell than it did with Feld Hel. This is especially true with weak 
signals. The 105 baud mode allows even more contrast which shows up both 
on-air and with the path simulator.

All in all, FSK-Hell does offer better readability over Feld Hell. Click 
on the link below to see an on-air and example of how the modes 
compared. FSK-Hell is available in IZ8BLY's Hellschreiber (FM-Hell), 
DM780, MixW and Multipsk.

Tony -K2MO

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