There are some known European users in that range, but without a recording, it 
would difficult to say for certain what it is and where is it coming from.

However, keep in mind that while this frequency range is assigned to amateur 
radio exclusively in Region 2, that is not the case in Europe and Asia, and so 
you have military, governmental and other users that are authorized to use the 

On Aug 21, 2010, at 11:35 AM, kc2axu wrote:

> Hi ,,, got a question for you guy's... On 3.860.00usb to 3.863.00usb there is 
> a digital signal. Does anyone know what type or mode the signal is and 
> possibly where it's coming from. Comes on about 2400 Zulu and is annoying as 
> hell.... Hoping someone might know... Thanks.. kc2axu
> .


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