
Of course, DigiPan needs to be run with a display of 256 colors or higher (unless you change the default waterfall colors)! The default palette requires at least 256 colors to work, and so do Internet graphics. I have no idea why anyone in the last 10 years would try to run with less than 256 colors, when probably 99% of video cards support at least 16-bit, 32-bit , or 24-bit color these days.

In 10 years of personal support of DigiPan and having resolved over 4000 support questions (almost all of which are computer system problems, not DigiPan problems), I have NEVER received any report of DigiPan not working with the serial port, if the serial port was correctly established or selected.

Sometimes the DigiPan configuration file becomes corrupted and the best way to fix most unusual problems with DigiPan is:

1. Quite DigiPan
2. Delete digipan.ini in \Windows
3. Restart DigiPan and re-enter the personal data and serial port.

West Mountain's suggestion to remove and reinstall DigiPan is NOT going to fix a corrupted digipan.ini file. The re-installed DigiPan will often have the same problem it had before re-installation. I informed them of this years ago, but apparently they have short memories. :-(

There is a history (which I will not go into), going back eight years or more, of West Mountain Radio being disparaging of DigiPan (for reasons I will not mention), but trust me, DigiPan is a VERY mature program and, to my intimate knowledge, has NEVER failed to work if properly configured on an adequate and correctly working Windows 98 or later system.

Just don't believe what West Mountain tries to make people believe about what they claim to be the problems with DigiPan - over 100,000 DigiPan users cannot be wrong! Moe Wheatley's WinPSK is an excellent program and I even used his PSKCORE.DLL for my own QuickPSK program, which introduced PSK63, but DigiPan is every bit as reliable and easy to use.

73, Skip KH6TY

Andy obrien wrote:
This claim from West Mountain seems dubious.

If you are having trouble with DigiPAN stop using it and try WinPSK!
We have had numerous reports of DigiPAN having a blank waterfall
display. In QST there is a report of this which was cured by
increasing the display colors to 256 colors or higher. We have
experienced this but we were running high color and we fixed it by
re-booting the computer. We have also had reports, and experienced it
ourselves, of, DigiPAN not working with the serial port. We do not
know what causes this but they are aware of the problem. We fixed this
by completely removing and re-installing the program.

Anyone confirm this is a real problem?

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