Hi, I meet the same issue, and I follow the @fullfanta suggestion, but I still 
I build the MXNet form source follow the below step:

    Download the mxnet

    Build the tensorrt follow 
 because my cuda=10.1, so the sh file have a few difference.
    In this step, I meet new issue as below (libnvinfer5 : Depends: libcublas10 
but it is not installable)

    I go to the /home/jakin/Downloads/incubator-mxnet/3rdparty/onnx-tensorrt 
dorectory. and build the onnx, and onnx-tensorrt follow 

    Build the MXnet with TensorRT using the same promote as you.

Pls, any problem in this way?
can you give me some suggestion ? thank you very much.

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