On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 10:00 AM, Luis Felipe Albarracin Sanchez <
lfasanc...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  i started from scratch the  Tutorial,  and i placed all blocks according
> to the Tutorial. After that i clicked on "generate the flowgraph". Once i
> did this in the folder where the GRC is saved Python file was created. I
> opened this file to edit it as proposed in the section 3.1.5 of the
> Tutorial and wrote the lines that in the tutorial said should be added to
> make Flowgraph work taking into account the two signals.  I did this, i
> wrote the new code i saved it on python (the same file), and then i clicked
> again on "Generate the flowgraph" hoping that the "flowgraph" will take the
> changes on the python files, but it did not happend; what it happend is
> that it created again a Python file overwritting the one the one that i did
> changes on. i am kind of lost. How can i make the flowgraphs to take Python
> script once it have change it?

GNU Radio Companion does not ever read the Python file. The point of
modifying the Python file is to accomplish things that you *cannot* put
into GRC. Once you have modified it you need to keep it separately from GRC
and edit it by hand for any further changes you want to make.

One way to make this easier to deal with is to use hierarchical blocks so
that the parts that GRC can do are done in GRC, and the amount of
hand-maintained Python code is smaller. You can either have GRC make a
hierarchical block instead of a top block and use that from Python, or you
can write a hierarchical block containing your custom code and use that
from GRC.
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