Hi Albin - Thank you for all of your work here! I haven't tested it out, but 
reading through it (and other PRs) you're really helping Volk along for NEON.

I'm not going to review this PR, just comment about PRs in general ... for now.

In general for GR / Volk PRs: Keep them targeted and simple; a single topic is 
best if at all possible. You can make one PR require another one, in order to 
keep complexity of any specific PR down.

If a given PR has multiple topics, please make them different commits. A single 
commit with multiple topics is very unlikely to be committed.

Thus for this specific PR, I'd advise you to split off each topic into a 
different PR:

+ Removed duplicate symbol in volk_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i.s

+ Fixed old syntax in volk_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i.s

+ Added clang to gen/archs.xml

+ Append CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS to ARCH_ASM_FLAGS (for cross compilation)

+ Added overrules avx512f avx512cd

+ Don't overwrite CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS

In this manner, we can determine the validity of each commit / PR. You can note 
in any specific PR that it depends on some other PR; that's totally OK & we'll 
work with them to get things going.

Anyway that's my $0.02 worth on the matter. Thanks again for heading down this 
path! - MLD

On Fri, Dec 28, 2018, at 3:25 AM, Albin Stigö wrote:
> Maybe some of you have noticed that I've been working on getting volk
> 1.4 and gnuradio 3.8 to compile and cross compile for ARM with clang
> (specifically clang 7 but seems to work down to at least 3.8).
> I'm happy to say that it's working pretty well now! Volk with neon
> support works and most of gnuradio compiles without any problems.
> I've uncovered some small bugs/quirks in the process and have
> submitted a bunch of issues and a pull request to volk:
> https://github.com/gnuradio/volk/pull/223
> Volk currently has 11 open pull requests, some without any response
> from the maintainers, which leads me to my question: How's volk doing?
> Are more maintainers/testers needed in some specific area?
> --Albin
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