Hi Tobias - Did you make any progress with your issue? I'm wondering if
you've thought about using the GR-provided preamble access blocks: prepend
a preamble + embedded length on Tx, then correlate against the preamble &
if found then decode the length & output a tagged stream with that many
items. Maybe these would work & you wouldn't have to figure out how to do
this yourself? Feel free to email me directly to discuss more. - MLD

On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 4:05 AM Tobias Tepper via Discuss-gnuradio <
discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org> wrote:

> Hello GNU Radio community,
> I'm trying to program a demodulation block for a variable pulse position
> modulation with c++ and have a problem where nobody know how to solve it.
> At the moment it is a offline simulation and don't use USRP yet but this
> is my final goal.
> I already created a block (type interpolator) that gets a byte and creates
> a 4-vppm symbol (containing 2 bits which mean there are 4 slots) that
> contains out of 4000 samples. Depending of the byte value only 10 samples
> are 1 at the beginning of the respective slot (i.e. (1100 0000 0000 0000 if
> byte is 0x00 or 0000 0000 1100 0000 if byte is 0x02). For adding the
> preamble sequence before the vppm symbol I use the "Stream Mux" block.
> Now the part of my problem:
> On the receiver side I created a preamble detection block (type general)
> which runs a cross-correlation and adds a tag to the stream if the preamble
> was found.
> First I used the block "Tagged Stream Align" but I found out that the
> block only aligns the stream one time. So if i want to start a second
> transmission the stream is not aligned again and I don't get the expected
> output.
> So my idea was to create a block (type general?) that search in the
> incoming stream for the tag "preamble_match". If a tag is found than copy
> 4000 samples beginning of the tag offset. It's possible that
> ninput_items[0] is < 4000 so I have to get the remaining items with the
> next call of the work-function. If I have 4000 items I want to start the
> demodulation and the block should only output one value. All the other time
> there should be no output of the block. I conected the block with a file
> sink and observed that the block is putting out data all the time. So how
> can I make sure that the block only put out a specific amout of data if a
> condition is true and if the condition is false no data is put out?
> Please find below a stripped down version of the c++ code (and attached as
> txt file) of my general work function:
>     new_mode_vppm_demodulator_impl::general_work (int noutput_items,
>                        gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
>                        gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
>                        gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
>     {
>         const float *in = (const float *) input_items[0];
>         unsigned char *out = (unsigned char *) output_items[0];
>         // get the lowest count of items of the input and output buffer
>         int ninput_noutput_min = std::min(noutput_items, ninput_items[0]);
>         // create a vector of type tag_t which can hold the tag
> information of found tags
>         std::vector<tag_t> tags;
>         // store the distance between the first sample in the input buffer
> and the tag
>         int nitems_read_tag_delta = 0;
>         int tag_offset = 0;
>         int ninput_items_tag_offset_delta = 0;
>         if (d_tag_found)
>         {
>             std::cout << "Tag found before - get the remaining data" <<
> std::endl;
>             // there was one tag already in the previous call of the
> work-function
>             // copy the remaining data into the array
>             int tmp = d_read_counter;
>             for (int i = 0; i < ninput_items[0]; i++)
>             {
>                 /* check if the iteration variable "i" is equal to the max
> count of samples per symbol
>                  * or if the counter variable "d_read_counter" is equal
> the max count of samples per symbol
>                  */
>                 if ((i == d_samples_per_symbol) || (d_read_counter ==
> d_samples_per_symbol))
>                 {
>                     // reset the d_read_counter
>                     d_read_counter = 0;
>                     d_ready_for_correlation = true;
>                     std::cout << "********* !!!READY FOR CORRELATION!!!
> *********" << std::endl;
>                     // leave the for-loop because the necessary amount of
> data is available for correlation
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 else{
>                     // store the samples in the vector for correlation
>                     d_vppm_symbol_samples[i + tmp] = in[i];
>                     d_read_counter++;
>                 }
>             } // end for-loop
>             std::cout << "d_tag_found=true d_read_counter: " <<
> d_read_counter << std::endl;
>         }
>         else // no tag found yet
>         {
>             // get all tags that are stored in the sample stream
>             get_tags_in_range(tags, 0, nitems_read(0), nitems_read(0) +
> ninput_items[0], d_lengthtag);
>             // check if tags were found in the bunch of samples in input
> buffer
>             if (tags.size() > 0)
>             {
>                 d_tag_found = true;
>                 // There was a tag in the sample stream!
>                 std::cout << "Tag found - move on!!" << std::endl;
>                 std::cout << "count of tags: " << tags.size() <<
> std::endl; // this line prints the count of tags that were found
>                 // store the offset between the first sample of the input
> stream and the tag
>                 tag_offset = tags[0].offset;
>                 // the delta between ID of tag.offset and first item of
> input_buffer
>                 nitems_read_tag_delta = tag_offset - nitems_read(0);
>                 // get the count of samples that can be copied from the
> tag until the end of the current input buffer samples
>                 ninput_items_tag_offset_delta = ninput_items[0] -
> (nitems_read_tag_delta);
>                 // copy all items after the tag
>                 for (int i = 0; i < ninput_items_tag_offset_delta; i++)
>                 {
>                     if (i == d_samples_per_symbol) //((i ==
> d_samples_per_symbol) || (d_read_counter == d_samples_per_symbol))
>                     {
>                         //reset variables and exit the loop
>                         d_read_counter = 0;
>                         std::cout << "********* !!! first attempt READY
> FOR CORRELATION!!! *********" << std::endl;
>                         d_ready_for_correlation = true;
>                         // leave the for-loop
>                         // next step will be to calculate the correlation
>                         break;
>                     }
>                     else
>                     {
>                         d_vppm_symbol_samples[i] = in[i + tag_offset];
>                         d_read_counter++;
>                     }
>                     if (i == (ninput_items_tag_offset_delta - 1))
>                     {
>                         std::cout << "Not enough samples yet. Continue
> with the next call of the work function!" << std::endl;
>                     }
>                 }
>                 std::cout << "d_tag_found=false d_read_counter: " <<
> d_read_counter << std::endl;
>             } // loop for processing the found tags
>         }
> // skip code.....
> // end skip code....
>     }
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Michael Dickens, Mac OS X Programmer

Ettus Research Technical Support

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