Hi Molly - Looks / sounds like you're using GR37 ... yes? If you move to
using GR38, you can generate C++ code directly from GRC. You can do so on a
your host computer, then copy the resulting C++ code to your target
computer & compile it there -- assuming of course that you have GR38 and
any required GR OOT modules installed on the target computer. On your host
computer, you'd need Python to get GRC, but I think you can avoid SWIG if
you want to -- though since it's a host computer (& not the target) you
might as well install everything, just not use the GR Python interface
generated by SWIG. Does that make sense? Hope this is useful! - MLD

On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 10:26 AM Molly Erskine <moers...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all!
> I am working on a project where I wish to generate sound wave samples to
> then pass these samples out to another program that will generate audio. I
> would like to be able to use the GRC to specify the shape and frequency of
> the sound wave, but have the output be accessible from an external C++
> program without having to run any Python (working with very limited memory
> and don't want to have both C++ and Python programs running at the same
> time, especially if communicating between the two using calls to shared
> memory).
> I have a hier block that I have generated from a flow graph using GRC. How
> can I execute this as a C++ program?
> - Is there a way to generate C++ instead of Python from GRC?
> - Would I instead be better using gr_modtool to generate a sample hier
> block and then coding it manually?
> - If that is the case, how would I go from this OOT module in C++ to an
> executable (ideally C++) program (without going back to the GRC and
> generating xml or a Python script from new flow graph containing the custom
> block).
> I'm new to working with GNU Radio so apologies if I am missing something
> obvious!
> The closest thing I could find to what I am looking for was this lecture:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ_OgduYXvs
> Which covers a project that allows the generation of executable files
> straight from GRC to C++ but unfortunately I cannot locate the source code
> online.
> If anything is unclear please let me know!
> Thanks in advance,
> Molly
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