Hi Josh - I don't think there's a standard way to do this. -Most- OOTs
install cmake scripts that can be used to "find" them, if you can determine
the correct "find" name (might be "gr-OOT" or just "OOT", where 'OOT' is
the name of the OOT module). Once found, you can then use either the target
or returned variables (OOT_INCLUDE_DIRS, OOT_LIBRARIES most likely) to find
the API and link against the ABI. Nothing special, but generic enough that
it should work on different OSs & GR installs. Hope this is useful! - MLD

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 1:42 PM Morman, Joshua <jmor...@perspectalabs.com>

> Is there a prescribed method for including functions from one OOT in
> another OOT (c++ code)?
> I could probably figure out how to do it in cmake, but is there some
> magical cmake find functions that already exist for OOTs to set the
> INCLUDE and LIBRARY variables relative to the GR prefix installation?
> Thanks,
> Josh

Michael Dickens
Ettus Research Technical Support
Email: supp...@ettus.com
Web: https://ettus.com/

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