Hi Doug,

On Saturday 26 December 2015 21:08:58 Doug Epling wrote:
> Thanks Carl --
> Here is a good example:
> I wanted to read-up on the Form class.  First thing I did was go here:
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/search/?q=Form
> yadda, yadda, yadda, recipe, recipe, ....  where is the simple list of
> attributes contained in this class?

So, this already seems odd. You want to read up on it, but you're not actually 
interested in what people wrote up on it?

It sounds like you're looking for a Javadoc-style reference. I always had the 
feelng that Django avoided these by design; a "simple list of attributes" is 
usually not helpful for a human who wants to get something done.

> [...]  But
> what-the-heck is this 'six' we import from django.util?  So I go here:
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/search/?q=django.utils&release=1.9&pa
> ge=1
> Here I reach a dead end.  I could go farther, but this is all a
> side-track.  This isn't even relevant to what I am working on.  And it is
> entirely possible 'six' is something I should just know about and don't.

It is something you should either know about, or not care about. As far as 
forms are concerned, it is just an implementation detail. So if you're looking 
to use forms, you should probably not care about it. If you're looking to hack 
on forms, the issue of Python 2/3 compatibility (which six is a solution for) 
should be familiar to you; and if it isn't, and you're already reading source 
files, you just might open the six.py module, where you'll find a docstring 
which reads:

"""Utilities for writing code that runs on Python 2 and 3"""

> So is anyone convinced yet?

So, I'm not convinced. In particular, I don't understand the frame of mind 
that would lead you along the journey you described. You said you wanted to 
"read up on forms", but that sounds like a means, not a goal; I think it would 
help to clear up the difficulties you ran into and the improvements you wish to 
introduce, if you describe the goals you wish the documentation to serve.

I have seen "design games" based on "personas" -- where you want to write 
specs for a system, and you portray the prospective users. You give them 
names, ages, jobs, some basic life-story, and a main goal for using the 
system, and then when you consider design decision you can say "oh, that would 
please Ned to no end", or, "Catelyn wouldn't like that". I think such a game 
may be helpful for clarifying -- to yourself and to others -- what exactly are 
the problems you're trying to solve.


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