On Tuesday 09 February 2016 23:33:50 charettes wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> The chosen fix[1] unfortunately introduced a new regression[2].
> It looks like the behavior described in the previous ticket was possible
> with
> Django 1.8 under certain circumstances[3] where the abstract models defined
> in a foreign application were derived as concrete models in another
> applications
> before the abstract models relations are resolved (if they are ever
> resolved):

The explanation is complex enough, the case where it works edgy enough, that 
I'd be content to call this a bug in 1.8. I'm pretty sure the specifics of this 
resolution are not documented, and my sense from reading the ticket is that if 
you'd try to document the behavior you'll reach the conclusion that it 
probably isn't intentional.

My 2 cents,

> [1] https://github.com/django/django/commit/bc7d201bdbaeac14a49f51a9ef292d6
> [2] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/26186
> [3] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/26186#comment:8
> [4] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/24215

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