On Sun, 6 Sep 2020 12:01:34 +0100
Adam Johnson <m...@adamj.eu> wrote:

> I think it would be acceptable to make related name clashes a check
> Error. I'm guessing you couldn't find any justification for why the
> check doesn't currently do this?

I didn't find any, though I didn't look too hard.

On the other hand, I found that the behavior changes depending on the
target model being a proxy model (or rather, on the model defining the
property being a proxy model).

That is, with

        class A(models.Model):
            def related(self):
                return 15

        class B(models.Model):
            a = models.ForeignKey(A, related_name='related',

        class C(A):
            class Meta:
                proxy = True

            def pro_related(self):
                return 17

        class D(models.Model):
            c = models.ForeignKey(C, related_name='pro_related',

For instances a and c of A and C respectively,
        a.related is a RelatedManager
        c.pro_related is 17

This happens because reverse-accessors are promoted to the concrete
model -- the accessor attribute is set on A, which means it overrides
whatever was defined on A, but can be overridden by A's subclasses.

I believe the technical term of this is "a mess".


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