Hi Gergely,

On Fri, 16 Jun 2023 16:46:31 +0200
Gergely Kalmár <gergely.kalmar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm still thinking that it should be possible for Django to wrap
> gettext in a way that allows us to raise exceptions. It seems silly
> to me that we could not control this core aspect of the process.

I think indeed it is possible. Take a look at the code in
django/utils/translation/trans_real.py and in particular, the
TranslationCatalog class; I _think_ you should be able to insert a
"fallback" catalog which raises some non-KeyError exception in its
`__getitem__()`, and that should give you what you want.

Note that it may be a little complex -- the mechanism there is built to
handle not only fallback languages (i.e. "en-US => en"), but a set of
catalogs for each language (i.e. collecting the translations into one
language from different apps), and further, the translations in each
language need to be kept separate because each may have its own
pluralization formula (in English, last I checked, there is only
one rule -- if the number is not 1, it's plural -- but if you specify
this rule in the .po file, the formula you get is technically distinct
from the default. Other languages sometimes have actually different
rules in different files, mostly for historical reasons).

I'm explicitly not expressing an opinion about whether this is
desirable :).


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