Salvage wrote:

> I understand when you say I cant build those sites without having
> programing skills but are there no modules that are already pre-built
> like print this article, comment on this article, send by email, most
> popular etc. That one can call with some django tags or something like
> that? Forgive me if i sound so *not knowledgeable*. In a lot of those
> news sites, I have seen, I can notice some things they have in common,
> like podcasts, vodcasts, video files as well as those things I
> mentioned above. Are there prebuilt modules or scripts that can be
> called with the django tags into templates? Please indulge this newbie
> a little. :-)

I guess it kind of depends on what type of news sites you mean.  The
ones I thought you meant were ones built with Django like,
which have a lot of programming behind them.

There are other Django sites that require less programming, and their
are prebuilt modules to help out with that e.g. the 'comments' app in
contrib allows you to plug commenting onto a site easily.  Have a
search for Wilson Miners and Jeff Crofts recent blogs about the things
you can do with relatively little programming using Django.

Still other news sites (I'm not thinking of Django ones) are built
using specialised CMS applications, that come out of the box with a lot
of the features you mentioned, with point and click interfaces for
turning these things on, but usually at the expense of flexibility, a
kind of much of a muchness feel, and sometimes feature bloat that makes
it hard to actually do simple things.

Picking the right starting point for building your site is really
important.  To use the analogy of construction work, a pre-built CMS is
like a fully built house where all you have to do is do the decorating
and move the furniture around.  Django is a foundation, some wall
sections (and a few complete drop in rooms) and a set of amazing power
tools that allow you to build a house in record time.  I personally
find that the pre-built house style is great until you want to move a
wall or or change the wiring, at which point it will be a total pain,
whereas Django's approach is ideal for me.  However, if you are not
really a programmer, the pre-built house style might be more


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