As a newbye I'm using django 1.4.3 under Mac OS X.
Reading the tutorials (and an Italian book on django by Marco Beri), I was able 
to set up my app 'home' using a legacy mysql db, and play  with it as admin by 
means of the server 'python runserver'. Nice layout indeed!
I modified my apache2 httpd.conf in order to run the same app adding:

VirtualHost *:8000>

    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        <Location "/">
         SetHandler python-program
         PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
         PythonPath "['/home/vittorio','/home/vittorio/miosito/home'] + sys.pat$
         SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE home.settings
         PythonDebug On


OR (an alternative httpd.conf)

WSGIScriptAlias / /home/vittorio/miosito/home/django.wsgi
WSGIPythonPath /home/vittorio/miosito/home

<Directory /home/vittorio/miosito/home/>
<Files django.wsgi>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

Both work  but their layout is simply awful, not at all elegant like that 
obtained by means of runserver. 
My point is that I would like to fix this and have the same elegant layout of 
the standard python runserver

leafing thru this list I understand that I should have added an alias reference 
to the directory of the django media that im my case, according to the many 
mails (very old indeed, usually referring to django 1.0), should be 
which simply does not exist (also under FreeBSD which I use too)

What wrong with it and how can I solve this problem


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