Hi, I am running into some issues configuring django-pipeline. It is 
compressing and creating the asset groups as expected when running 
collectstatic but then I get a 404 error when trying to load them in the 
app. I've been playing around with paths and settings and I cannot figure 
out why.

Using STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineStorage'  I get a 
good response from python manage.py findstatic <file relative path>  but 
still cannot load them in my webpage. These are my settings


# Static asset configuration
STATIC_ROOT = 'staticfiles'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineStorage'


    'base': {
        'source_filenames': (
        'output_filename': 'ui/css/myapp_base.css',

    'base': {
        'source_filenames': (
        'output_filename': 'ui/js/myapp_base.js',

And in my templates:

{% load staticfiles %}
{% load compressed %}

{% compressed_js 'base' %}
{% compressed_css 'base' %}

When I run collectstatic I see under my staticfiles dir, the files 
ui/js/myapp_base.js and ui/css/myapp_base.css are being created, calling 
python manage.py findstatic ui/css/myapp_base.css works but I get a 404 in 
my webapp

If I use STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineCachedStorage' I 
see also some extra files with random identifiers are being generated, but 
then I get a 404 when requesting those files (including random id) and in 
this case, findstatic also fails (if i look with the file including the 
random id in the name)

I am sure I am missing something but I just cannot figure this out. Does 
anyone have any pointers to this one?


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