I work for an organization that has fairly stringent security requirements
regarding where our data is stored.  We recently moved towards DMARC, and
are working with Agari.

One of the things that Agari does - essentially the most important - is
receive and analyze any forensic data returned.  The issue that we've
noticed is that the forensic data is the entirety of the email.  It isn't
just header info, but contains the entire message text, along with
attachments.  This means that any externally-bound valid email that is
mistakenly marked as a failure will have forensic data - ie the entire
email - sent to Agari.  They will house the emails on their internal
servers, wherever their data center is.  These emails are available for
only 14 days....however, they cannot tell me how long their system backups
are stored.  It wouldn't matter if they could, as we have no way of
auditing their security measures, enforcing requirements, validating
encryption, backup storage security, etc.

Agari advertises as a cloud service, yet they are not Fedramp'd, which I
believe should put them out of consideration for most federal agencies,
considering accidental disclosure of classified data via email, if flagged
as a failure via DMARC, would cause the email and hence the sensitive data
to be house outside of any government system.  If Agari's systems were be
to hacked, all of this data would be available - and again, they are not
Fedramp'd, which ostensibly certifies their compliance with federal
security requirements.

Does anyone know if this issue has been discussed before (I couldn't find
it), and how any of you out there that may work at organizations with
similar security concerns, have dealt with this issue?
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