I would like to propose updates to the DMARCbis documentation, specifically for 
Section 4.4.3 and a new Appendix A.8. Please find the suggested revisions 
below.  Your input would be greatly appreciated.  It is just a starting point.

Proposed update for Section 4.4.3:

4.4.3. Alignment and Extension Technologies

DMARC can be extended to incorporate authentication and authorization 
mechanisms that aid in the evaluation of DMARC policy. Any new authentication 
extensions must facilitate domain identifier extraction to enable verification 
of alignment with the RFC5322.From domain.

Authorization extensions address situations where the author domain differs 
from the signer domain, known as 3rd party signatures. The following 
Author::Signer domain authorization methods have been explored:

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Authorized Third-Party Signatures (ATPS) 
Third-Party Authorization Label (TPA) [draft-otis-tpa-label-08]
Mandatory Tags for DKIM Signatures [draft-levine-dkim-conditional-04]
Delegating DKIM Signing Authority [draft-kucherawy-dkim-delegate-02]
The first two methods are DNS-based, while the latter two are non-DNS-based. 
All share the common objective of authorizing the 3rd party signature. The ATPS 
proposal is the simplest method and has demonstrated success in practice by 
reducing false positive failure results when a valid and unverified but ATPS 
authorized 3rd party signer is present in a message. MDA receivers should 
consider using ATPS to verify 3rd party signatures.

Proposed new Appendix A.8:

A.8 Mailing List Servers

Mailing List Servers (MLS) applications that are compliant with DMARC 
operations SHOULD adhere to the following guidelines for DMARC integration:

Subscription and Submission Controls:

MLS subscription processes should perform a DMARC check to determine if the 
subscribing or submitting email domain's DMARC policy is restrictive regarding 
mail integrity changes or 3rd party signatures. The MLS SHOULD only allow 
subscriptions and submissions from original domain policies that permit 3rd 
party signatures with a p=none policy.

Message Content Integrity Change:

List Servers that alter the message content SHOULD only do so for original 
domains with optional DKIM signing practices. If the List Server does not alter 
the message, it SHOULD NOT remove the signature, if present.

Security Tear Down:

The MLS SHOULD NOT compromise the author's security by changing the authorship 
address (From) domain. Instead, it should apply subscription/submission 
controls. However, if circumstances necessitate a From rewrite, the rewrite 
with a new address SHOULD maintain the same level of security as the original 
submission to avoid potential Replay and Display Name Attacks.
Please let me know your thoughts on these proposed updates and whether they can 
be integrated into the DMARCbis documentation.

Best regards,

Hector Santos

dmarc mailing list

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