On 1/1/2019 3:49 PM, Joan Moreau via dovecot wrote:


Solr is a standard package in ArchLinux. ("pacman -S solr") . the systemd installation script is included (and it is launching /opt/solr/bin/solr.in.sh)

Instance : sudo -u solr /opt/solr/bin/solr create -c dovecot -> this creates a separate folder with default solrconfig.xml, schema.xml, etc..

I made a symlink of the data folder to a second drive (ext4) much bigger

I'm using that nasty word *should*...in that the above installation *should* yield working results.  But...since I don't use Arch and have no insight into it I suggest downloading a binary tarball from the Solr site and do a clean install.  It may behave identically...or maybe something will be different.


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