On Wed, 20 Feb 2019, SH Development wrote:

To: Joan Moreau via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org>

Jean did take over the list for a while when developing his FTS backend,
so you can be forgiven that he actually runs this list.

2.  It was also suggested to rsync the directory, but the question was
brought up, and not answered, about whether it was advisable to copy
live mail, thus the need for doveadm sync/backup.

You're right that consistency is a problem if you rsync a large amount of
changing data.  (If I remember correctly, mdbox is especially sensitive to
content/index mismatches.)

One way this can be done is via filesystem magic i.e. filesystems with
copy-on-write that allow you to take a moment in time snapshot of your
entire filesystem e.g. LVM, ZFS and others.  You can then rsync the
snapshot, but some of these filesystem also support methods to export
snapshots to a remote filesystem.

Joseph Tam <jtam.h...@gmail.com>

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