> On 12 March 2019 21:20 Felipe Gasper via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
> Hello,
>       I’ve got a strange misconfiguration where the following command:
> doveadm -f pager mailbox status -u spamutf8 'messages vsize guid' INBOX 
> 'INBOX.*'
> … fails with error code 68, saying that it can’t find one of the mailboxes. 
> (It lists the user’s other mailboxes.) The name of the mailbox in question is 
> saved to disk in UTF-8 rather than mUTF-7, but strace shows that doveadm is 
> stat()ing the mUTF-7 path; the failure of that stat() is, assumedly, what 
> causes doveadm to report the error status.
>       I’ve tried to paw through the source code to see what might be causing 
> this but haven’t made much headway. Can someone here point out where the 
> misconfiguration might be that is causing doveadm to stat() the mUTF-7 path 
> rather than UTF-8? Or perhaps offer any tips as to how I might diagnose 
> what’s going on? What causes doveadm to stat() one path or the other?
>       Thank you!
> -Felipe Gasper
> Mississauga, ON

Mailbox should be stored on disk using mutf7, not UTF-8.


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