Getting panic in http-client-request.c: line 1240 during indexing 

I'm testing the install/setup of dovecot on an Ubuntu Focal 20.04
system, using the dovecot repo. The packages that are installed are 

harryb@dove1:~$ dpkg -l dovecot* solr* jetty* tesser* | fgrep ii
ii dovecot-core 2:2.3.13-2+ubuntu20.04 amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server -
core files
ii dovecot-imapd 2:2.3.13-2+ubuntu20.04 amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server -
IMAP daemon
ii dovecot-lmtpd 2:2.3.13-2+ubuntu20.04 amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server -
LMTP server
ii dovecot-managesieved 2:2.3.13-2+ubuntu20.04 amd64 secure POP3/IMAP
server - ManageSieve server
ii dovecot-mysql 2:2.3.13-2+ubuntu20.04 amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server -
MySQL support
ii dovecot-sieve 2:2.3.13-2+ubuntu20.04 amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server -
Sieve filters support
ii dovecot-solr 2:2.3.13-2+ubuntu20.04 amd64 secure POP3/IMAP server -
Solr support
ii jetty9 9.4.26-1 all Java servlet engine and webserver
ii solr-common 3.6.2+dfsg-22 all Enterprise search server based on
Lucene3 - common files
ii solr-jetty 3.6.2+dfsg-22 all Enterprise search server based on
Lucene3 - Jetty integration
ii tesseract-ocr 4.1.1-2build2 amd64 Tesseract command line OCR tool
ii tesseract-ocr-eng 1:4.00~git30-7274cfa-1 all tesseract-ocr language
files for English
ii tesseract-ocr-osd 1:4.00~git30-7274cfa-1 all tesseract-ocr language
files for script and orientation 

Apache Tika v1.25 is also installed 

harryb@dove1:~$ l /usr/local/bin/tika*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79337717 Feb 3 12:40

and running pretty standard-ish 

/usr/bin/java -jar /usr/local/bin/tika-server-1.25.jar --port 9998
--host localhost -enableUnsecureFeatures -enableFileUrl --log info 

I use mbsync to pull in sample mailboxes for testing 

The solr conf in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/ is as follows
plugin {
 fts = solr
 fts_solr = url=http://localhost:8693/solr/
 fts_autoindex = yes
 fts_filters = lowercase snowball stopwords
 fts_tokenizers = generic email-address
 fts_tokenizer_generic = algorithm=simple
 fts_autoindex_exclude = Junk
 fts_autoindex_exclude2 = Trash
 fts_autoindex_exclude3 = Spam
plugin {
 fts_tika = http://localhost:9998/tika/

Unfortunately indexing is panic'ing. Whether I index a test folder
manually, or just looking in /var/log/dovecot.log 

I'll see the following very consistently : 

harryb@dove1:~$ sudo doveadm -D index -u Receipts 

Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules
Debug: Module loaded:
Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/
Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/
Debug: Module loaded:
Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/
Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/
Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/doveadm
Debug: Module loaded:
Debug: Module loaded:
doveadm( Debug: auth-master: passdb
lookup( Started passdb lookup
doveadm( Debug: auth-master: conn
unix:/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb: Connecting
doveadm( Debug: auth-master: conn
unix:/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb (pid=165148,uid=0): Client connected
doveadm( Debug: auth-master: passdb
lookup( auth PASS input:
doveadm( Debug: auth-master: passdb
lookup( Finished passdb lookup
( )
doveadm(<180749><>: Debug: auth-master: userdb
lookup( Started userdb lookup
doveadm(<180749><>: Debug: auth-master: userdb
lookup( auth USER input:
home=/var/mail/ uid=1001 gid=1001
doveadm(<180749><>: Debug: auth-master: userdb
lookup( Finished userdb lookup
( home=/var/mail/ uid=1001
doveadm( Debug: Effective uid=1001, gid=1001,
doveadm( Debug: Namespace inbox: type=private,
prefix=, sep=, inbox=yes, hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes
doveadm( Debug: fs:
root=/var/mail/, index=, indexpvt=, control=,
inbox=/var/mail/, alt=
doveadm( Debug: Mailbox Receipts: Mailbox opened
because: index
doveadm( Info: Receipts: Caching mails seq=1..72
doveadm( Debug: Mailbox Receipts: UID 1: Opened mail
because: prefetch
doveadm( Debug: Mailbox Receipts: UID 1: Opened mail
because: fts indexing
doveadm( Debug: http-client: peer [::1]:9998
(shared): Peer created
doveadm( Debug: http-client: peer [::1]:9998: Peer
pool created
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: peer [::1]:9998:
Peer created
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: queue
http://localhost:9998: Setting up connection to [::1]:9998 (1 requests
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: peer [::1]:9998:
Linked queue http://localhost:9998 (1 queues linked)
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: queue
http://localhost:9998: Started new connection to [::1]:9998
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: request [Req2: PUT
http://localhost/tika/]: Submitted (requests left=1)
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: request [Req2: PUT
http://localhost/tika/]: Waiting for request to finish
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: peer [::1]:9998:
Creating 1 new connections to handle requests (already 0 usable,
connecting to 0, closing 0)
doveadm( Debug: http-client[2]: peer [::1]:9998:
Making new connection 1 of 1 (0 connections exist, 0 pending)
doveadm( Debug: http-client: conn [::1]:9998 [2]:
doveadm( Debug: http-client: conn [::1]:9998 [2]:
Waiting for connect (fd=20) to finish for max 0 msecs
doveadm( Debug: http-client: conn [::1]:9998 [2]:
HTTP connection created (1 parallel connections exist)
doveadm( Panic: file http-client-request.c: line
1240 (http_client_request_send_more): assertion failed:
(req->payload_input != NULL)
doveadm( Error: Raw backtrace:
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7ffb60d697a1]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7ffb60d698c2]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7ffb60d75b3b] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7ffb60d75b77] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7ffb60ccc4d5] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7ffb60cc391e] ->
[0x7ffb60d19f82] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/
[0x7ffb60d9c1c5] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7ffb60d8bd4d]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/
[0x7ffb60d8d395] ->
[0x7ffb60d8bdf4] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/
[0x7ffb60d8bf68] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/
[0x7ffb60d1582d] ->
[0x7ffb60d159c4] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/ [0x7ffb604ef68d]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/
[0x7ffb604ee4ab] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/ [0x7ffb604ec77f]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/
[0x7ffb604ecec2] ->
/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/ [0x7ffb604f2573]
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/
[0x7ffb60e92ed2] -> doveadm(+0x3982f) [0x55d3519ed82f] ->
doveadm(+0x33e35) [0x55d3519e7e35] -> doveadm(+0x34a16) [0x55d3519e8a16]
-> doveadm(doveadm_cmd_ver2_to_mail_cmd_wrapper+0x225) [0x55d3519e97b5]
-> doveadm(doveadm_cmd_run_ver2+0x500) [0x55d3519f9e50] ->
doveadm(doveadm_cmd_try_run_ver2+0x3e) [0x55d3519f9eae] ->
doveadm(main+0x1d4) [0x55d3519d8dc4] ->
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7ffb608fd0b3]
-> doveadm(_start+0x2e) [0x55d3519d92ae]

The key line above is 

doveadm( Panic: file http-client-request.c: line
1240 (http_client_request_send_more): assertion failed:
(req->payload_input != NULL) 

It's the same each time. In /var/log/syslog there are usually a couple
of extra lines 

Feb 03 13:25:17 indexer: Error: Indexer worker disconnected, discarding
1 requests for 
Feb 03 13:25:17
Fatal: master: service(indexer-worker): child 202106 killed with signal
6 (core dumps disabled - 

Dean Carpenter
deano is at areyes dot com
203 six oh four 6644

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