On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 09:46:53PM -0500, dove...@ptld.com wrote:
> Storing mail in a db... at the end of the day isn't it still just a file (.db 
> file) on the drive?
> Aren't you just adding bloat and complexity vs just storing the mail directly 
> (maildir format) to a file on the drive?
> What do you think you are saving? Security?
> If someone can read files on your server, they can equally read a maildir or 
> a .db file.
> K.I.S.S.

I gain modularity for a system.
The database is the foundation.
I am working with:
1. Dovecot
2. Neomutt
3. OpenSMTPD

Now, if I decide to drop or addon some new program, I can just adjust
and/or add some new tables. Write a new stored procedure. Drop in a new
Perl module or subroutine.

1. Dovecot
2. Neomutt
3. OpenSMTPD
4. Xyz
5. Abc
6. SuperDuperMail-ThingyPlus

So what I am working for is a system that is united.

Add a new user and email, CLI program, bang. All done.
Change a password with a web interface. Click. All done.

I'm in no rush. This is a fun side project. I have already done this
type of work successfully for other kinds of projects, so it's
different, but not really outside of my past experience.

Secure today is wide open tomorrow. File, memory, etc. all get broken
eventually. I'm much more worried about my own mistakes than that of
others. :-*

Chris Bennett

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