>> But you can make php think it connects to the correct hostname with the ssl 
>> connection options
>> $config['managesieve_conn_options'] = [
>>   'ssl'         => [
>>   'verify_peer'  => false,
>>   'peer_name' => 'FQDN of mailserver',
>>   ],
>> ];
>> This probably even works without the "verify_peer" line, haven't tested.
>I added the block above to my managesieve configuration in Roundcube and now 
>connected to an internal IP address works beautifully!
>Now I just need to figure out how to accomplish the same thing for the imap 
>and smtp server that Roundcube is using. Is there a block similar to the one 
>above that I could add to my Roundcube config.inc.php file to enable me to use 
>internal addresses for my imap and smtp servers?

Hi yes the same ssl connection config should work in roundcube config.inc.php 
just use ['imap_conn_options'] and ['smtp_conn_options'] respectively. 
There are examples in roundcubes default.inc.php file 

Christian Kivalo

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