Ah, yup, I missed the [PATH libdrm] convention sorry.

I noticed some other updates based on make headers_install, though I also
saw a bunch of unrelated noise with e.g. mocs and C++ guard changes so
figured I'd avoid those for now, while I was pretty much expecting I'd need
to re-send this later. I just wanted to get a patch out in case it could be
convenient for folks looking to run my i915-perf igt tests.

I don't have a meaningful tree/sha to reference while it's chicken/egg atm
the order of landing i915-perf changes.

tbh I didn't read the README before sending and not sure I'd expect to find
this kind of info there. Maybe if there were a CONTRIBUTING doc or
something along those lines a note could go there. I probably should have
just thought to check for a format-patch infix since libdrm isn't the only
fd.o project with this, it was probably a bit of laziness on my part so
sorry about that.

thanks for the note though, I've updated my git [format] config now.

- Robert

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 3:45 PM, Emil Velikov <emil.l.velikov at gmail.com>

> Hi Robert
> Just a couple of trivial suggestions:
>  - git config --local format.subjectPrefix "PATCH libdrm"
>  - make sure that the headers are generated via `make headers_install'
> and state the tree/sha that you've used.
> See 9af2ccdef cc9a53f07 or 89cdda3d5.
> Thanks
> Emil
> P.S. /me goes to add a README with the above instructions
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