On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 07:13:59AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Dear Jose,
>> I've disabled the merge with the XFree86 4.2.0 code to see if that
>> helps and fired up a new build. Please check if the next binaries
>> are ok.
>Sorry to report that the latest SF binaries (well, at least
>radeon-20020623-linux.i386) are still broken. Same problem, X server
>catches a SIG11. Also, something I've noticed with these broken
>binaries (all of them) is that the kernel drm module doesn't get
>loaded automatically - you need to preload it by hand. Clearly very

This is all very strange indeed, and I don't know what the problem may be or what to 

In http://dri.sf.net/snapshots/cf are binaries produced by the
SourceForge compiler farm. These were intended to replace the ones made
on my workstation but I never actualy did that because I wasn't so
confident with all the hacks that were necessary to get them to compile.
Could you please try if these do any good?

José Fonseca

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