
I am administrator of SuperMicro server with IPMI card with Dropbear ssh server v0.50. I would ask you for help with problem with login on ssh server by using public key.

I have Dropbear installed on IPMI card in SuperMicro server. Here is a liitle look on disk:

Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/ram0                15.9M     15.9M         0 100% /
/dev/shm                  1.0M    432.0k    592.0k  42% /var
/dev/mtdblock3            4.9M      4.9M         0 100% /usr/local/www
/dev/mtdblock1          960.0k    260.0k    700.0k  27% /conf

When I want to login to the Dropbear ssh server I need ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. BUT I can not write to the /home directory, because it is just a read-only file system.

My question is:

Is there possibility how to change ~/ directory in Dropbear ssh server? For example, new path would be: /conf/home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys. If it is possible, where in Dropbear configuration could I do it?

Best regards

Pavel Müller
soLNet, s.r.o.

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