Hi Matt,

Thanks for your quick answer.
If I understand correctly, the dbclient establishes the underlying SSH 
connection with the SFTP server, but does not implement a whole SFTP 
So I have to use a separate sftp client (such as sftp from OpenSSH), which 
can rely on Dropbear to establish the SSH connection with the server.

OK, this is clearer now, thanks. I think that a mention of this on your 
website or in the Readme file could be useful.

Best regards,


De :    m...@ucc.asn.au
A :     alexis-externe.dav...@erdfdistribution.fr
Cc :    dropbear@ucc.asn.au
Date :  01/03/2013 13:46
Objet : Re: Problem with Dropbear/dbclient as SFTP client


Dropbear doesn't have its own sftp client, but you can use
it with the OpenSSH sftp client:

sftp -S dbclient user@host


On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 05:39:27PM +0100, Alexis-externe DAVOUX wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some trouble with dropbear used as SFTP client.
> I've set up a SFTP server on my machine, which works fine. I've tested 
> connection to the server with Filezilla client.
> I've tried connecting to the SFTP server with dropbear using the 
> dbclient -s user@host sftp
> I can authenticate successfully, and I get the welcome message, but 
> that I can't do anything: it seems that dbclient is waiting for some 
> command but nothing seems to work. I've tried entering 'ls', 'cd /test', 

> 'get test.txt', 'pwd',... but nothing happens when I validate with 
> How can I use dbclient as SFTP client ? What is the correct syntax ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Best regards,
> Alexis

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