I usually build the version without trace information, until I run
into troubles.
Then when building the trace version it gives out too much infomation.

Ever thought about given out limited trace information depending on
the number of -v given...

So basicly whenever I face a connection problem, I need to know:
verbose level 1:
- can it reach the destination
- what is the remote sshd version
- what kind of authorizations are enabled
- which authorisations fail or succeed
verbose level 2:
- know the selected algoritme, hmac and compression
verbose level 3
- available algoritmes, hmacs on both client and server
verbose level 4
- anything else

Maybe each level should be enabled optional during build time, so
level 2-4 can be left out to reduce the build size.

Is it interesting to receive patches for this ?


dropbear-git# ./dbclient -v  test@
TRACE  (23078) 0.000000: user='test' host='' port='22'
TRACE  (23078) 0.000124: enter session_init
TRACE  (23078) 0.012324: remoteident: SSH-2.0-dropbear_2017.75
TRACE  (23078) 0.102050: Methods (len 18): 'publickey,password'
TRACE  (23078) 0.102099: auth method 'publickey' valid
TRACE  (23078) 0.102141: auth method 'password' valid
TRACE  (23078) 0.102165: try  auth method publickey
TRACE  (23078) 0.102205: try  auth method password
test@'s password:
TRACE  (23078) 3.399641: leave cli_auth_try success

dropbear-git# ./dbclient -v -v  test@
TRACE  (23085) 0.000000: user='test' host='' port='22'
TRACE  (23085) 0.000166: enter session_init
TRACE  (23085) 0.012650: remoteident: SSH-2.0-dropbear_2017.75
TRACE  (23085) 0.012831: kex algo curve25519-sha...@libssh.org
TRACE  (23085) 0.012890: hostkey algo ssh-rsa
TRACE  (23085) 0.012945: enc  c2s is aes128-ctr
TRACE  (23085) 0.013044: enc  s2c is aes128-ctr
TRACE  (23085) 0.013101: hmac c2s is hmac-sha1
TRACE  (23085) 0.013195: hmac s2c is hmac-sha1
TRACE  (23085) 0.013263: comp c2s is z...@openssh.com
TRACE  (23085) 0.013360: comp s2c is z...@openssh.com
TRACE  (23085) 0.105168: enter cli_auth_getmethods
TRACE  (23085) 0.106062: Methods (len 18): 'publickey,password'
TRACE  (23085) 0.106119: auth method 'publickey' valid
TRACE  (23085) 0.106217: auth method 'password' valid
TRACE  (23085) 0.106274: enter cli_auth_try
TRACE  (23085) 0.106337: try  auth method publickey
TRACE  (23085) 0.106436: try  auth method password
test@'s password:
TRACE  (23085) 4.383544: cli_auth_try lastauthtype 4
TRACE  (23085) 4.383631: leave cli_auth_try success
TRACE  (23085) 4.419022: received msg_userauth_success

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