Ok I had enabled different plugins for the same purpose (like PDFBox JPEG 
Thumbnail and ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail Generator) that probably caused 
Anyways, I'm still curious why the same commands but with different 
parameters give different results.

W dniu niedziela, 14 października 2018 10:14:32 UTC+1 użytkownik admin 
> Hi,
> I noticed that when I run filter-media (no params) command via cron the 
> thumbnails look differently to those generated manually via filter-media -f.
> I did a test and:
> 1. Thumbnail generated via filter-media (cron) had no frame around image 
> and it was a grey-mode image (checked in Photoshop).
> 2. Thumbnail generated manually via filter-media -f had a frame around 
> image and it was an RGB image.
> Both image had no color profile embedded (for this issue I started another 
> topic: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/dspace-tech/xVFm0WNYYIE).
> So:
> 1. what are the reasons of these differences and
> 2. how can I control resulting thumbnails features when running 
> filter-media (with or without any parameters) command?
> Are these two commands use different plugins?
> Peter

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