Hi David,

No, the "Initial Questions" step doesn't exist in DSpace 7.  We dropped it 
because the submission form has moved to a single page (all fields/sections are 
on one webpage).  In DSpace 6, this "Initial Questions" step essentially loaded 
the next page of the form based on the answers provided.  In DSpace 7, that's 
not easy to achieve because the entire form loads at once & users can begin 
interacting with any step/section they want (there's no guarrantee they'd start 
with the "initial questions" step if it appeared).

It is​ possible to dynamically add/remove individual metadata fields (see "Item 
Type Based Metadata Collection" at 

It is also possible to create optional​ (mandatory=false) steps/sections which 
do not appear by default, but can be added to the form using the "Add more +" 
button.  But, this requires the user to click on the "Add more +" button to 
access those optional steps.

However, at least at this time, there's no way to dynamically insert entirely 
new steps/sections based on the metadata entered in other steps/sections.  
Instead, we'd recommend looking at using "Item Type Based Metadata Collection" 
to dynamically insert one (or many) fields based on the value of "dc.type".

If this doesn't align with your needs or use cases, then you are welcome to 
submit a new feature request ticket to our ticketing system at 
https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues   I'd ask that you describe 
your use case better (perhaps based on how you used this feature in 6.x) and 
why DSpace 7 doesn't align well with this use case.   We can then ask around 
and see if others have a similar need (which would increase the priority) 
and/or find a volunteer to investigate possible solutions for v7.

From: dspace-tech@googlegroups.com <dspace-tech@googlegroups.com> on behalf of 
David P. Steelman <dstee...@umd.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 12:14 PM
To: dspace-tech@googlegroups.com <dspace-tech@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [dspace-tech] "Initial Questions" step in DSpace 7


Is the "Initial Questions" step functionality from DSpace 6 available in DSpace 

There is a brief mention of it on the "Metadata Recommendations" Confluence 
page (https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC7x/Metadata+Recommendations), but I 
suspect that is just an oversight.

We are particularly interested in any DSpace 7 mechanism to add and remove 
individual steps/sections from the submissions page dynamically, based on user 



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