Hi Christiane,

Are you certain that localhost is resolving to  Maybe you need to 
check your Hosts file?

Based on what you've shared, it sounds like your REST API is configured 
properly (yarn rest:test succeeds).  It also sounds like the UI is starting up 
on localhost:4000 without reporting any errors.

But, it's really odd that wget gives no response at all for a long time.  It's 
almost like it cannot "find" localhost at all, and then you hit a connection 

I've never seen this issue before myself... but it almost sounds like you have 
a lower-level issue with resolving the connection.  It might not be an issue 
with DSpace at all.  If you are seeing no errors and no logs, maybe DSpace is 
"working" but your network connections are not?

You also could try to see if you could get it running at instead 
of localhost:4000.

Those are my best ideas right now, but maybe someone else on this list would 
have other brainstorms to share.

From: dspace-tech@googlegroups.com <dspace-tech@googlegroups.com> on behalf of 
Christiane Baier <c...@leibniz-psychology.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 2:06 AM
To: DSpace Technical Support <dspace-tech@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [dspace-tech] Re: dspace-7.5. angular-ui gives no response

Hi Tim,

Before I posted my problem here I tried everything as as outlined in 
It is not working without pm2.

/dspace-ui-deploy$ node ./dist/server/main.js

Building production app config

Overriding app config with /dspace-ui-deploy/config/config.yml

Overriding app config with /dspace-ui-deploy/config/config.prod.yml

Angular config.json file generated correctly at 

Environment extended with app config


Version: 7.5.0

Environment: Production

[HPM] Proxy created: /  -> https://<nameOfMyServer>/server/sitemaps

[08:20:25 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit)] Listening at 

If I do:

wget -v http://localhost:4000

--2023-05-23 08:33:09--  http://localhost:4000/

Auflösen des Hostnamens localhost (localhost) … ::1,

Verbindungsaufbau zu localhost (localhost)|::1|:4000 … fehlgeschlagen: 
Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt.

Verbindungsaufbau zu localhost (localhost)||:4000 … verbunden.

HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet …

Then nothing happens. And I mean nothing. I can see the connection in netstat
tcp        0      0 localhost:4000          localhost:46794         VERBUNDEN   
dspace     784425     44998/node

And I don't get an answer where I started wget. And I am patient. After more 
then 15 minutes I get

GET / - - ms - -

on the console where I started node
an other 15 minutes:

Lesefehler (Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen) beim Vorspann 

Erneuter Versuch.

--2023-05-23 08:48:10--  (Versuch: 2)  http://localhost:4000/

Verbindungsaufbau zu localhost (localhost)||:4000 … verbunden.

HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet …

It starts a third try, before it gives up.
And no clue what is wrong. I did the test:

dspace-angular$ yarn test:rest

yarn run v1.22.19

$ ts-node --project ./tsconfig.ts-node.json scripts/test-rest.ts

Building production app config

Overriding app config with /home/dspace/dspace-angular/config/config.yml

Overriding app config with /home/dspace/dspace-angular/config/config.prod.yml

...Testing connection to REST API at https://<nameOfMyServer>/server/api...

RESPONSE: 200 200

Checking JSON returned for validity...

"dspaceVersion" = DSpace 7.5

"dspaceUI" = https://<nameOfMyAngularServer>

"dspaceServer" = https://<nameOfMyServer>/server

"dspaceServer" property matches UI's "rest" config? true

Does "/api" endpoint have HAL links ("_links" section)? true

Done in 5.38s.

In the Apache Config I included
ProxyPass / http://localhost:4000/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:4000/

I can't do more then doing exactly what is written in the installation  
instructions. So what is wrong?

Kind Regards

DSpace Technical Support schrieb am Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2023 um 21:12:32 UTC+2:
Hi Christiane,

Those warnings when running "yarn install" are normal behavior.  They can be 
ignored. They are not causing any issues.

As I mentioned previously, you might want to try starting up the UI *without* 
PM2, just to verify it's working properly standalone & trying to access it on 
the same machine that is is running on using http://localhost:4000/.  If it 
works standalone, then something in your PM2 configuration is the problem.  If 
it doesn't work standalone, then it might give you more useful errors to work 
with.   As I mentioned, this is documented in step 6 of the Installation for 
the UI (called the "Quick Start"): 

My best guess is that either the UI is having trouble contacting the backend... 
or something in your proxy configuration (in either PM2 or Apache) is incorrect 
and is causing things to get confused.


On Friday, May 12, 2023 at 2:03:25 AM UTC-5 c...@leibniz-psychology.org wrote:
Hi there,

I decided to start with a fresh installation of the angular frontend. I have 
following version installed:
 npm version: 9.6.6
 yarn version: 1.22.19
 node version: v16.20.0

execpt for a new config.prod.yml in the config directory,  with the minimal 
configuration as stated in the install guide, nothing changed in the 
dspace-angular code checked out from git with tag dspace-7.5

If I do yarn install I get warnings:
  yarn install v1.22.19
  [1/4] Resolving packages...
  [2/4] Fetching packages...
  [3/4] Linking dependencies...
  warning " > boot...@4.6.2" has unmet peer dependency "jqu...@1.9.1 - 3".
  warning " > boot...@4.6.2" has unmet peer dependency "popper.js@^1.16.1".
  warning " > ngx-sor...@11.1.0" has incorrect peer dependency 
  warning " > ngx-sor...@11.1.0" has incorrect peer dependency 
  [4/4] Building fresh packages...
  Done in 124.82s.

Might this be the reason, why it is not working for me. How can I fix this. I 
am new to angular, node,js, yarn &  co

Kind regards

Christiane Baier schrieb am Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023 um 11:34:34 UTC+2:
Hi Tim,
I went over the troubleshooting guide, but this doesn't help as I don't get any 
content in the browser, so nothing to see. In the apache logs, I can see, that 
the host is reached:
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 6753
but it hrows an error and the following is displayed in my browser:
    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request
    Reason: Error reading from remote server
So no way to see any errors in the browser's Developer Tools.
I tried all the suggested steps in the troubleshooting section
I can reach my backend  wget -v "https://<my-backends-server-name>/server/api" 
and get an answer similar to the one when calling wget -v 
I did yarn test:rest as suggested in "

  1.  From [dspace-angular], run yarn test:rest This script will attempt a 
basic Node.js connection to the REST API that is configured in your 
"config.prod.yml" file and validate the response."

and it went well.

If I stop the app with pm2 and start it with
node ./dist/server/main.js
I get:
   Building production app config
   Overriding app config with /dspace-ui-deploy/config/config.yml
   Overriding app config with /dspace-ui-deploy/config/config.prod.yml
  Angular config.json file generated correctly at 

  Environment extended with app config

  Version: 7.5.0
  Environment: Production

  [HPM] Proxy created: /  -> https://<my-backends-server-name>/server/sitemaps
  [10:35:15 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit)] Listening at 

But if I try to reach the site in the browser - same as before.
console where I started main.js shows:
GET / - - ms - -
1 rules skipped due to selector errors:
  .custom-file-input:lang(en)~.custom-file-label -> unmatched pseudo-class :lang
GET /favicon.ico 404 2723.419 ms - -
I get no answer and I get nothing on the console to get a hint what is wrong.
netstat -taupe | grep 4000
tcp        0      0 localhost:4000*               LISTEN      
dspace     119606     6143/node
tcp        0      0 localhost:60110         localhost:4000          VERBUNDEN   
www-data   119839     5984/apache2
tcp        0      0 localhost:4000          localhost:60110         VERBUNDEN   
dspace     119840     6143/node

I tried the suggestion from Michael. But this doesn't change anything as the 
system still knows that localhost is
In the output of netstat nothing is changed. I even changed the value in the 
apache config. Same.

ipv6 is disabled on the system.
If I try
wget -v "http://localhost:4000";
I get:
--2023-05-10 10:59:16--  http://localhost:4000/
Auflösen des Hostnamens localhost (localhost) …, ::1
Verbindungsaufbau zu localhost (localhost)||:4000 … verbunden.
HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet … Lesefehler (Die 
Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen) beim Vorspann (header).
Erneuter Versuch.

I tried enabling mod_headers and put
  RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https
in the default-ssl.conf of my apache. No change of behavior.

So I am completely stuck.
Kind Regards

DSpace Technical Support schrieb am Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023 um 20:33:06 UTC+2:
Hi Cristiane,

In order to help, we'd need you to look for the underlying error message when 
you attempt to access the User Interface (or backend, depending on the 
problem).  Here's a troubleshooting guide with details on finding the 
underlying error: 

We also have a list of common installation issues at the bottom of the install 
instructions. It's very likely you may be hitting one of these common problems 
(but it'd be easier to tell which one after you look for underlying errors): 

If you can find more information about the underlying error, it'll be easier to 

You also could try initially running the User Interface manually (not in PM2) 
just to verify your other configs are correct.  That would at least help ensure 
you have a correct configuration between the frontend & backend.  This is 
documented in step 6 of the Installation for the UI.


On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 11:11:57 AM UTC-5 c...@leibniz-psychology.org 
Hi there,

I installed dspace-7.5 angular frontend on a different server, than the 
backend. It is a ubuntu 22.04 and I did it as outlined in the Installing the 
frontend section in 
I set up a apache proxy like it says in the documentation. Backend (server/api) 
ist reachable.
I set up the config.prod.yml by taking the config.example.yml and changing the 
value for
host: api7.dspace.org<http://api7.dspace.org> to the name of the backend 
server. HAL-Browser answers at https://backend-server-name/server. So this is 
not the problem.
I set up pm2 (like stated in the documentation) to get more logs, started the 
application and gave https://angular-server-name-as configured in local.cfg on 
Backend and apache config on angular-server-name. DNS is working.
In the browser I get an error after waiting for minutes "The proxy server 
received an invalid response from an upstream server.

The proxy server could not handle the request

Reason: Error reading from remote server"

and in the pm2 logs this error message shows up.

0|dspace-ui  | GET / - - ms - -

0|dspace-ui  | 1 rules skipped due to selector errors:

0|dspace-ui  |   .custom-file-input:lang(en)~.custom-file-label -> unmatched 
pseudo-class :lang

Can somebody tell me what is misconfigured? in config.prod.yml language is set 
defaultLanguage: en
That is the entry in the original config.example.yml and I didn't changed it.

Kind regards

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