* On 21/01/07 17:14 -0500, Farhan Khan wrote:
| Greetings all,
| Whenever I attempt to execute "dspam --daemon" i get the following error
| messages
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] log]# dspam --daemon
| 3872: [01/21/2007 17:58:56] Daemon process starting
| 3872: [01/21/2007 17:58:56] unable to locate mysql configuration
| 3872: [01/21/2007 17:58:56] unable to locate mysql configuration
| 3872: [01/21/2007 17:58:56] unable to locate mysql configuration
| Then within my /var/log/maillog file, I get the following error messages
| Jan 21 17:58:56 localhost dspam[3872]: Daemon process starting
| Jan 21 17:58:56 localhost dspam[3872]: unable to locate mysql configuration
| Jan 21 17:58:56 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| Jan 21 17:58:59 localhost dspam[3872]: Daemon terminating on signal 2
| Jan 21 17:58:59 localhost dspam[3872]: received signal. waiting for
| processing threads to exit.
| Jan 21 17:58:59 localhost dspam[3872]: daemon is down.
| Jan 21 17:58:59 localhost dspam[3872]: Daemon process exiting
| After 6 hours of exhausting all of my resources (google, the documents, irc)
| I still have no idea what would cause this error.  Does anyone have any
| idea?
| Your help is greatly appreciated.

Perhaps you do not have dspam.conf at the correct location. However, if 
you provide the following data, we might figure out:

1. Output of `dspam --version`
2. Output of "strings `which dspam` | grep dspam.conf"



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