DEADLINE EXTENDED! Apply by April 6th, 2018

The SSE Education Committee is pleased to announce the T. H. Huxley award, 
named in honor of 
Darwin's very public supporter, which recognizes and promotes the development 
of high quality 
evolution education resources. If you have an interesting project or 
educational activity to share 
consider applying for this award. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows 
are encouraged to 
apply. This award provides funding for an SSE member to present evolution 
education resources at 
the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT: annual 
conference. This year’s 
NABT conference will be held Nov. 8-11, 2018 in San Diego, CA. 

Proposals are evaluated on their evolution content, transferability or 
adoptability, and accessibility 
(for example, does not require specialized equipment, or is not limited to a 
particular location). 
Activities must be field tested with students. Field testing and collaborations 
with other instructors 
are encouraged. Finalists will be asked to provide a letter of support from a 
collaborator or PI.  

To apply for the Huxley Award, please fill out the following form by April 6, 
2018. To receive the 
award, you must be an SSE member. Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows 
are strongly 
encouraged to apply. The award includes travel, registration and hotel expenses 
to present at NABT, 
and an SSE membership for graduate students and postdocs. 

Questions about the award? Contact Phil Gibson (jpgibson "at" or Gaby 
(gaby.hamerlinck "at"

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